
article image 7-1-24.jpgAddressing Energy Sector Liabilities

July 1, 2024

The energy industry, including oil and gas mining, production, and distribution, is a sector with numerous liability risks. If one piece of the complex operation fails – from unexpected environmental spills to equipment damage, worker issues, or financial hardships – the entire industry can face… more ▶

article image 3-1-24.jpgLiability in the Energy Production Sector

March 1, 2023

The energy sector, encompassing everything from oil and gas extraction to renewable energy production, plays a pivotal role in powering economies and everyday life. However, its operations are inherently risky, involving complex technologies, hazardous… more ▶

article image 8-31-23.jpgMitigating Risks in the Oil & Gas Industry

August 31, 2023

The energy production industry has long been at the mercy of inherent risks arising from internal and external factors. Oil and gas producers must navigate a complex web of regulatory considerations, environmental issues, market volatility, and… more ▶

article image 3-14-23.jpgHow the Oil Industry Can Prevent Liability

March 14, 2023

The oil industry is widely regarded as one of the most detrimental industries in the world. Unfortunately, this reputation is not without reason. In most cases, the methods used to drill oil damage the environment, and the industry produces… more ▶

article image 1-27-23.jpgThe Biggest Risks Oil Companies Face

January 27, 2023

Oil is one of the most lucrative industries in the country—and in the world—but these profits come with plenty of risks. Indeed, oil companies are commonly faced with litigation, backlash, and government intervention. All these factors can… more ▶

article image 7-1-22.jpgOil and Gas Industry Outlook 2022

July 1, 2022

As agents dealing with oil and gas insurance, it’s essential to understand the impact of the global economy and other factors on the oil and gas industry. While this is a sector that typically sees demand increase… more ▶