

article image 2-2-23.jpg2023 Staffing Industry Forecast

February 2, 2023

Recent years prove that the staffing industry has mastered the art of adaptability. A pandemic, economic crisis, and national worker shortage were no match for staffing professionals. With these events in the rearview mirror, insurance agents might wonder — what’s to come in the staffing industry?

Looking forward to 2023 reveals a few significant trends that will likely affect the industry. Learn more about the staffing agency forecast in the new year.

Women Will Dominate Staffing Efforts

One of the most significant predictions to emerge for 2023 involves the gender distribution of job seekers. According to reports, more women are reentering the workforce than men. This fact reflects an interesting shift in dynamics among families. In many cases, men opt to stay at home with kids while women take on the role of breadwinner. This reversal of roles isn’t necessarily new, but in 2023, it’s likely to become increasingly common. Employers should anticipate this and work to create an equitable and welcoming workplace.

College Students Will Be Job Hunters

In addition to women entering the workforce, staffing specialists can expect an influx of college students looking for jobs. Specifically, reports indicate that college-aged job seekers are looking for employment at rates comparable to pre-pandemic statistics. This is an encouraging development for employers and offers a promising opportunity to recruit top talent for both temporary and permanent positions. Companies can attract college-age applicants with perks such as tuition reimbursement and flexible scheduling.

Retirement-Aged Workers Won’t Come Back

Statistics show that people often retire later in life and stay in the workforce longer. Many factors contribute to this, including the rising cost of living and longer life expectancies. Surprisingly, though, fewer retirement-aged workers may return to their jobs in 2023. While other demographics have gradually resumed employment, retirees have opted not to. Companies that want to recruit retirees should focus on offering part-time positions and enticing benefits packages. Most importantly, employers should establish an environment where employees of all ages can thrive.

There Will Be Fewer Open Jobs

The staffing shortages of recent years caused a surplus of unfilled positions. As the workforce regains its strength, qualified candidates are finally filling these jobs. This is undoubtedly a positive development, but the job market may shift to favor employers once again. As a result, job seekers may have less negotiating power, and companies may have the luxury of choosing between multiple applicants when hiring.

Staffing Agencies Will Be in High Demand

Finally, 2023 will likely see an increased demand for staffing agencies. Many employers realize that the convenience and flexibility of a staffing agency can free up resources for their company. Staffing agencies can also help employers cut costs, find the best candidates, and streamline payroll and risk management processes. If you service clients in the staffing industry, you can help them prepare for the new year by providing them with the right insurance. ◼