

article image JBL Award.jpgU.S. Risk’s Financial Institutions Division Receives National Recognition as Best Property Insurance Company

December 22, 2022

For the third consecutive year, U.S. Risk’s Financial Institutions Division, J.B. Lloyd & Associates (JBL), was recently recognized through’s annual “Best of Notes” program as Best Property Insurance Company. This annual nomination-based recognition program is designed to spotlight leading organizations in the real-estate industry.

JBL Vice President Beth Boisseau-Coots, whose work was instrumental in leading to the award, said, “We are honored to be voted Best Property Insurance Company for the third year in a row. All of the nominees are great companies, and it is a privilege to be among such esteemed competition.”

When asked her thoughts on why JBL continues its winning streak, Boisseau-Coots added, “The fact that we offer competitive solutions, are available to clients when they have questions, treat everyone the same whether big or small, build and value client relationships, and have expertise in the real estate investor space, all contributed to winning.”

For more about J.B. Lloyd and Associates, visit ◼